Monday, 29 February 2016

So many things have happened in the past few months. I've gone from living with my mum to now living on my own. I've gone from a full-time job to a part-time job. I'm doing a degree which will hopefully take me on to my future job and best of all I have made some amazing memories in such a short space of time.

One thing university has taught me is life is hard, money doesn't go far and being on your own sometimes can be difficult. There are times when I get in and just wish I didn't have too cook dinner and do the dishes and tidy away things. There are times I wish my bathroom would clean itself but at the end of the day it's all part of growing up and I love it really. 

Having to now support myself and buy my own food etc I get how expensive life really is. My mum supports 3 children, raises them by herself, has a full-time job and manages to keep her house pristine clean! I admire and honestly am amazed at how she does it all. Food is so expensive and I now get really annoyed at myself for wasting it.

Another thing Uni has taught me is I am not a "typical" student. I don't go out nearly every night of the week and consume half my body weight in alcohol, I like to eat nice foods and also spend a lot of money on clothes and make-up! Guilty of living beyond my means, I still have a fantastic time here and have made life long friends! 

I've managed to get myself a job as a supervisor at a retail store! I recently was voted in as head of beauty for the fashion beauty and lifestyle society. I've gone to Monaco and Cannes with my course which was an amazing bonding holiday! I attended the BBC good food show and watched Paul Hollywood and Mary Berry cook live (some people wouldn't find this exciting but for me oh my god *fan girl alert!!!!*). I've been to my first Winter Ball with my gorgeous boyfriend of 2 years, been trusted with a lot of  responsibilities (which I love!) and realised Netflix is the equivalent of a best friend! 

I've met a life long best friend! She's blaidey amazing!! I've never laughed so much as what I do when I am round her and to be honest she makes me realise what a weirdo I actually am!! It's crazy how two people from opposite ends of the country can become best friends?! 

I have signed a contract to live in a 6 bed house next year with 3 guys, myself, Rachel and Claudia and I am so excited to move in! However it's going to be strange going from a studio flat on my own to living with 5 other people! 

Overall I am loving my time at Uni and think it's the best decision I have ever made! I've made amazing friends, amazing memories and fantastic progress with my confidence and commitments! I can't wait to see what the rest of this academic year brings me and am looking forward to starting my second year in September, organising and planning amazing events with the fashion, beauty and lifestyle girls and creating even more memories! 

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