10 Beauty & Lifestyle Resolutions For 2016 | Aleesha Mariah

Sunday, 3 January 2016

Happy New Year lovelies! I hope you've all had a fantastic start to the new year and wish you all the best for the rest of the year to come. My idea for a blog post today was to list all my new year resolutions but realised I have never stuck to them, mainly because I don't enjoy them! However I was reading through Just Jodes most recent blog post and it inspired me to list out my very own beauty and lifestyle resolutions for 2016. So without further a due lets get into it! 

1. Invest in a good moisturiser
I am really bad when it comes to moisturising my skin. I either always forget to do it or go through phases where I do it everyday without fail but then usually misplace the bottle and lose interest in it. When watching make-up tutorials and get ready with me routines on YouTube everyone seems to worship moisturisers and it's making me feel bad for not taking care of my skin. I think this year I need to do some research and find the best moisturiser for my skin and give it a little treat. 

2. Drink more water
Again I am so bad at keeping hydrated! I always forget to drink water or any kind of liquid for that matter. My boyfriends mum got a jack wills gift set for Christmas and it came with a water bottle and since then I have been drinking a lot more than usual. I now probably drink just over 1L a day but, I need to stick at it! 

3. Go to bed at a decent hour
Since moving out and living on my own my body clock is all over the place. I come from a home of sleep talkers and weirdly there is something quit comforting in it now that it's gone. It's so quite in my studio that I struggle to get to sleep! However I am getting used to it and because I am working as well as being a student I am finding myself getting very tired! So hopefully I will get into a routine and start going bed at 11pm instead of 3am! :O 

4. Step out of my beauty comfort zone
I latch onto things very easily and when I find something that works it takes a lot for me to give it up! This year I want to try something different.I want to mix up my everyday foundation and find a new one maybe even 3, who knows! All I know is I latch on to the same look everyday and it's starting to get boring!

5. Have a proper skin care routine 
My current skin care routine is literally; make-up wipe/micellar water, face wash/scrub, done! Bad I know but I plan on fixing it! This year my mission is to set up a proper skin care routine where I can actually start to notice a difference. 

6. Eat healthier!!!!!
Literally I am the worst person when it comes to eating! I am such a pig and I will eat as much chocolate and sweets as I want and I will not feel guilty at all! However getting older I realise that, that needs to stop! I haven't got that fast metabolism that I had when I was younger and now eating a whole bar of chocolate results in my bum getting bigger and bigger! So it's time to dust of that active blender and get out the healthy cook books and start meal prep-ping again! #letsgethealthy

7. Get back into my gym routine 
I used to go to the gym 4 times a week but I took a gap year and started working full time and found I had no time to go. I used to really enjoy it as well and felt a sense of accomplishment at the end of each work out. So my plan is to sign up to a new gym and dedicate some of my evenings and mornings to working out and getting back to fit! Oh and also follow so many fitness accounts on Instagram that I start to feel guilty for eating a bar of chocolate whilst watching YouTube in bed!  #letsgetfit

8. Travel more 
I suffer with anxiety which is triggered by new surroundings. I struggle when I go away on holiday or to places I have never been before. I hate not knowing where I am and what's happening around me. It actually makes me feel secluded in my own body. I can't really explain it but when it happens I really, really struggle. When my boyfriend Adam and I went away to Portugal I was fine for the first few days as the bar that we were going to most nights was lovely and I felt settled and safe there. Then one night we went and a massive street party was taking place outside and in the bar. It set my anxiety off so bad we had to go back to the hotel. Because I didn't know what was happening and I didn't know what to do with myself I just felt awful. This year however I wan't to tackle my anxiety and stop it from controlling where I go and what I do. I really want to go to London this year and I know it's going to be hard but I want to fight that awful feeling I get and concur and realise it isn't such a big deal. I know it's not a big deal but something inside of me thinks it is a big deal. Who knows what it is that makes me feel that way but this year I want to stop it from controlling me. 

9. Start learning to drive
I should have done this last year but I was saving for my deposit on my student accommodation, a holiday and paying bills!! This year however I need to start learning to drive. I actually get jealous and annoyed when I am in a car and I'm not aloud to drive it! So what am I going to do?? BOOK LESSONS!! 

I think that one explains itself! 

Thanks for reading guys! I would love for you all to tag me in you new years resolutions maybe you'll inspire me to do more! Hope you enjoyed the post. 
Much love,
 Aleesha Mariah 

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