Dartmouth- A Saturday Stroll

Monday, 13 October 2014

This weekend whilst staying at Adams, as I have done nearly every weekend for the past month, we decided to drag ourselves out of our slumber and actually go out and do something. Recently we have started watching the 'Sons of Anarchy', an extremely addictive but very violent American TV series which we both have developed an emotional attachment to...sad I know. We have only just finished 'Ultimate Force' staring Ross Kemp AKA Grant Mitchell. Again a TV series which was very violent...I'm starting to see a pattern here! :S 

So Instead of just lounging around watching episode after episode we actually decided to go out! However the night before was spent at the local pub so I was a tad worse for ware and we didn't actually get out of the door till about 2pm! With no plan in mind we got in the car, popped to the co-op, picked up some lunch and started our little journey. 
Our pretty view

We had no clue where to go. Well I had no clue where to go, I can never make my mind up about these things but don't we all though?! We headed down up the A38 and took the turn off towards Totness. Adam decided to drive the car down the down town centre. The actually town centre, the smallest street possible which was flooded with people, okay maybe not flooded but I do like the exaggerate a little ;) It didn't look to appealing and Adam had other plans, he set off again and headed towards Dartmouth instead. 
Fishing Boat and Ferry

I am a born an raised Devonshire lass but I have to say I really take for granted what beauty Devon holds. I had never really taken any interest in the locations in Devon as it's all local to me and I don't see it how tourists see it. People travel from all around the world to see the Devonshire country side and the small town and villages it bears but I feel as if I take it all for granted.
Rustic fishing boat

Taking a moment to look at what my home county has to offer I realised that I actually live in one of the most beautiful places in the world. Dartmoor is literally on my doorstep, honestly I am about a 2 mile journey away from it, yet I never really acknowledge it or take time out to just look at it for 5 minutes. I travel across it about 3-4 times a week but I don't really know what it looks like! 

So when going to Dartmouth I realised that I am very lucky! What Londoner can just go and sit by the river or sea front without having to travel miles and miles to get there?  Non! Yet I can! 

Dartmouth truly is the definition of beauty. It's set on the western bank of the estuary of the River Dart. It's a dainty town with beautiful buildings and landscape. Adam and I sat on a bench alongside the river, looking out of the blue sky, clear waters, distant houses across the river and lots of small fishing boats and yachts. 
An extremely proud seagull 

The weather was fantastic, not a cloud in sight or a drop of rain. However it was a little brisk, you could definitely tell it's getting close to winter.  We at our lunch, well snacks, and took in the views. We then took a little stroll around the town, looking in all the art gallery windows, amazed at how much they charged for something we could each probably make! The were many touristy shops as well as small boutiques, luxury clothing brands, restaurants and scrummy bakeries! 
An very pretty building facing the river

The streets where narrow and cute. It gave the place a romantic feel which was very nice. Now as I am always thinking of food, even though I had just ate *PIG MUCH*, we stopped off in Marks and Spencer's and picked up a few snacks...just to fill the empty gap in my belly *hehe*
Okay I lied there was a few cloud in sight:P 

I had my heart set on some ginger bread men but couldn't find any...instead I bought myself a whole batternburg cake, yes that's right all for myself, a bag of lightly salted pretzels and a peach and green tea drink. The drink was lovely, so refreshing and first clenching! Definitely will be something I purchase every time I visit M&S again. 

Only spending about an hour and a half in Dartmouth, as everything was shutting up, we headed off home. Even thought we weren't there long it was a lovely few hours in such a beautiful location! Somewhere I will definitely visit again! 

Have you ever visited Dartmouth? Do you have a special place you like to visit? What do you think? 



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