The Autumn Tag | AleeshaMariah

Thursday, 5 November 2015

1. Favourite Candle
I am bit of a candle fanatic. I love burning candles especially when it gets to Autumn, it just makes me feel cosy and relaxed. As much as I love Yankee Candles, they are very pricey and for a student it's not really worth it...even though they smell like heaven! Primark have just released their new Christmas range and the candles they have brought out are gorgeous! My current favourite is Snow Drops and it burns for up to 40 hours! I think I only have about 5 more hours before it completely goes but for £3 I will most certainly be repurchasing it. The packaging is so cute too. 

2. Favourite Lip Colour
I love deep coloured lips at Autumn but I also love nude shades too. A recent purchase of mine, which I have fallen in love with, is the Revlon Colour Burst Lip butter in the shade sorbet. It's beautiful on and suits my skin tone.  

3. Favourite Drink
This is a simple answer for me. I love, and when I say love I mean LOVE, a nice cuppa tea. There is nothing nicer than coming in from a cold day and chucking on your pj's and snuggling up with a nice cup of tea!

4. Favourite Blush
I'm going to be honest I am not much of a blush lover. I think it's because I feel like I don't suit any of the shades that I actually have. I need an expert to help me out with this! 

5. Favourite Clothing Item
I have two. I genuinely can't decide which is my favourite so I'm just going to go for both. My first is my H&M Black heeled boots. They literally go with anything and there so comfy! My second is my Jack Wills Tweed Skirt. It's so easy to were and I always get compliments on it. 

6. Favourite Movie

So because it's close to Christmas I am going to have to say National Lampoons Christmas Vacation. It's a proper feel good film which always makes me laugh! It also reminds me of Christmas when I was younger and my Nan would put it on in the background as we made popcorn tree decorations. 

7. Favourite TV Show
At the moment I am watching Gossip Girl which I am far to into for my own good! However I love The Big Bang Theory and will binge watch it all day if I could. 

8. Favourite Thanksgiving Food
My family used to live in America so we do celebrate thanks giving. My favourite thing has to be my nan's home-made treacle tart. It's scrummy! 

9. Favourite Halloween Costume
This Halloween I dressed up as dead Dorothy from wizard of OZ so I should probably say that but I could have done so much better! I wasn't prepared this year!

So that's it for the Autumn Tag! Hope you liked it :) 

More soon, 
