Lazy Sundays | Morning Snuggles & Autumn Strolls

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

The leaves are changing colour. They are falling to the ground. The sun is setting earlier and earlier each day and the temperature is slowly dropping. It's Autumn, my favourite season of them all! 

Initially the plan was to go to Exeter for the day for a girly shopping trip with mother. However, that Sunday feeling set in and we all became very lazy! So instead my morning was spent in bed snuggled up with my mum and sister Brooke. I say lazy Sunday but my idea of a lye in is till about 11am, however Brooke had different ideas and rocked up in my bedroom at 8:30! It wasn't even a nice awakening her exact words where "Come on Leesha, get up now!"

Okehampton is one of my favourite places, don't ask me why I just love it for some reason! I think it's the drive out to there. The beautiful moors and views of the ten tors just makes me feel happy! It's a very traditional small town, something that I love! Nearly everything is closed on a Sunday. Only a few shops and cafes where open so there wasn't much to do in the town centre. We headed off for a stroll around Simmons Park, a beautiful woodland area right next to a park and local college. 

We walked right alongside the river, crunching our way through all the freshly fallen leaves. So pretty! 
Adam however was a little annoyed that all the falling leaves where landing in his hair! We came across a house, which I thought looked as if it should be covered in candy, that belonged to the grounds keeper. With all the tall tree's and orange and brown leaves surrounding the house it felt as if we weren't in England any more, instead we where in Canada! 

I feel as if I need to visit the house at Christmas, just to see how they have decorated it! Don't you think it will look so pretty? 

Adam introduced me to a game called "Poo Stick", I know sounds disgusting! What you have to do is chuck a stick in the river on one side of the bridge and see who's stick comes out the over side first. How you are meant to identify who's stick is who's is beyond me but for some reason Adam kept thinking he was winning each time!? **COUGH-CHEAT**

 I love the photo above, the pattern on the bridge is so cute! There is even little dog paw prints engraved into it! Awww!! 

 Look at all the leaves! 

We then found a little trail or maze even which had cute little ponds, steeping stones and water features. It was only small but was gorgeous! When you looked up all the leaves where falling down off of the tall tree's, landing next to you as you walked, or if you Adam landing in your hair! The where gigantic lilly pads dangling out over the ponds. They looked like they belonged in the Amazon! 
 Adam took this picture, he has demanded I mention that he did! 
We then decided to head to Northlew, a small village 5 miles away from Okehampton. The reason for this was because my grandparents used to live there and when I was younger I used to go and stay there a lot. There wasn't and never has been much there but I wanted to see what their old house looked like! The house is situated just up the road from a stables and right next to a cow field. So when I was growing up and used to stay at my Grandparent's I witnessed a lot of calf births, I even was kept up through the night with the cows mooing away! I also used to go to the local church quite a bit, I was always asked to do readings nearly every Sunday! The Vicar would pop over on a Saturday evening, always timed it when my nan was getting in her night dress haha, and asked me to learn a paragraph or two for the next day! Being a little bit of a diva I quite enjoyed getting up in front of the majority of the village to show off my amazing reading skills ;) 

I used to love spending my weekends there! I loved being surrounded by beautiful countryside and being able to take my 3 dogs, at the time, for a walk through the country lanes. It was so relaxing and peaceful, a nice getaway from the busy city! 

So after our little off trail drive we headed back to Tavistock. My mum was cooking us all dinner, turkey pie, roast potatoes and greens! The perfect hearty meal for a autumn evening. But before we headed back we stopped off in the pub for a quick drink! 

My preferred local in Tavistock is The Cornish Arms, a bistro style pub which has the most delicious food in the world! The setting is perfect, always a warming welcome and through the winter season the fire is constantly on the go! The decoration is beautiful. There is a classic cream vintage dresser next to the fire, decorated with old books, candles and check red ribbon. There are comfy sofa's as well as tables so you can feel all snuggle and cosy! 

 So after a nice pint we headed off back to mine for my mummy's delicious home cooked meal! In the evening we chilled out and stuck on a film! One of my favourite films Rain Man was on now TV so we decided to watch that one! Then, as I am so kind, I let Adam watch Match of the Day and surprisingly I feel asleep whilst it was on! Shocker!! ;) 

I hope you all liked the post, sorry there isn't much going on, I have recently started a new job so I am very busy! However I have a lot of new, fun and exciting posts planned coming very soon! 

Did you like the post? What did you do this weekend? Have you been on an Autumn stroll yet? Where is your favourite place to take a stroll? 

Have a great week! 


Aussie 3 Minute Miracle - Conditioning Routine

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Having recently ombred my locks my hair has taken the toll quite a bit. It's extremely thick and very long and with recently applying a dye to it it's started to become quite dry and dead-ended. Brushing it is a one heck of a task! It's doesn't matter if I brush my hair before I get in the shower it always comes out painfully knotty. 

It's quite a time consuming task having to try and brush through the nots and tangles everyday so I decided to head down to boots and find a solution! 

The 3 MINUTE MIRACLE does exactly what it says. It's a miracle in a bottle! It's formula is enriched with eucalyptus and avocado oil and it's a fast acting, deep conditioner that turns you hair into soft, brushable locks. The smell is amazing and it's actually so good I could smell it all day! Shampoo your hair with whatever shampoo you like to use. I use TRESemme Moisture Rich Luxurious Moisture Shampoo, rinse that out then apply the 3 MINUTE MIRACLE to length of you hair- Note do not apply to the roots as this will cause greasy hair. A little tip, which my hairdresser once told me, always ring the water out of your hair before you apply a conditionare as it takes better. 

Aussie is fantastic, one of my favourite hair care brands as it has so much to offer. They have a product for everything, from heat defence, to moisture lock, you want it they have it! It's a brand which I like to use a lot. There leave in conditioners are brilliant and they smell sooooooo good and it lasts all day! However, individually if there isn't a deal on it can be a little expensive! Luckily enough boots and superdrug tend to have a deal most of the time and it's usually a 3 for £10 offer. 

Click here for Superdrugs 3 for £10 offer on all Aussie products 
Click here for TRESemme Moisture Rich Luxurious Moisture Shampoo

Does your hair need saving? What's your favourite hair care products? Have you used Aussie before? Which of their products is your favourite? Make sure to comment bellow and let me know! 


Dartmouth- A Saturday Stroll

Monday, 13 October 2014

This weekend whilst staying at Adams, as I have done nearly every weekend for the past month, we decided to drag ourselves out of our slumber and actually go out and do something. Recently we have started watching the 'Sons of Anarchy', an extremely addictive but very violent American TV series which we both have developed an emotional attachment to...sad I know. We have only just finished 'Ultimate Force' staring Ross Kemp AKA Grant Mitchell. Again a TV series which was very violent...I'm starting to see a pattern here! :S 

So Instead of just lounging around watching episode after episode we actually decided to go out! However the night before was spent at the local pub so I was a tad worse for ware and we didn't actually get out of the door till about 2pm! With no plan in mind we got in the car, popped to the co-op, picked up some lunch and started our little journey. 
Our pretty view

We had no clue where to go. Well I had no clue where to go, I can never make my mind up about these things but don't we all though?! We headed down up the A38 and took the turn off towards Totness. Adam decided to drive the car down the down town centre. The actually town centre, the smallest street possible which was flooded with people, okay maybe not flooded but I do like the exaggerate a little ;) It didn't look to appealing and Adam had other plans, he set off again and headed towards Dartmouth instead. 
Fishing Boat and Ferry

I am a born an raised Devonshire lass but I have to say I really take for granted what beauty Devon holds. I had never really taken any interest in the locations in Devon as it's all local to me and I don't see it how tourists see it. People travel from all around the world to see the Devonshire country side and the small town and villages it bears but I feel as if I take it all for granted.
Rustic fishing boat

Taking a moment to look at what my home county has to offer I realised that I actually live in one of the most beautiful places in the world. Dartmoor is literally on my doorstep, honestly I am about a 2 mile journey away from it, yet I never really acknowledge it or take time out to just look at it for 5 minutes. I travel across it about 3-4 times a week but I don't really know what it looks like! 

So when going to Dartmouth I realised that I am very lucky! What Londoner can just go and sit by the river or sea front without having to travel miles and miles to get there?  Non! Yet I can! 

Dartmouth truly is the definition of beauty. It's set on the western bank of the estuary of the River Dart. It's a dainty town with beautiful buildings and landscape. Adam and I sat on a bench alongside the river, looking out of the blue sky, clear waters, distant houses across the river and lots of small fishing boats and yachts. 
An extremely proud seagull 

The weather was fantastic, not a cloud in sight or a drop of rain. However it was a little brisk, you could definitely tell it's getting close to winter.  We at our lunch, well snacks, and took in the views. We then took a little stroll around the town, looking in all the art gallery windows, amazed at how much they charged for something we could each probably make! The were many touristy shops as well as small boutiques, luxury clothing brands, restaurants and scrummy bakeries! 
An very pretty building facing the river

The streets where narrow and cute. It gave the place a romantic feel which was very nice. Now as I am always thinking of food, even though I had just ate *PIG MUCH*, we stopped off in Marks and Spencer's and picked up a few snacks...just to fill the empty gap in my belly *hehe*
Okay I lied there was a few cloud in sight:P 

I had my heart set on some ginger bread men but couldn't find any...instead I bought myself a whole batternburg cake, yes that's right all for myself, a bag of lightly salted pretzels and a peach and green tea drink. The drink was lovely, so refreshing and first clenching! Definitely will be something I purchase every time I visit M&S again. 

Only spending about an hour and a half in Dartmouth, as everything was shutting up, we headed off home. Even thought we weren't there long it was a lovely few hours in such a beautiful location! Somewhere I will definitely visit again! 

Have you ever visited Dartmouth? Do you have a special place you like to visit? What do you think? 



Best Buy Money

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Oh I love a bargain and at times like these I tend to look out for as many as I can! Best Buy Money offers amazing vouchers, offers and money saving tips all just in time for Christmas! From fashion to travel to entertainment and technology, best buy money has it covered. 

The fashion section has a great article on saving money when shopping online. There are exclusive offers where you can win a 4* holiday, curtsey of Thomas cook, and a new season look from Barbour!!

Make sure you check it out by clicking the link below! Sign up and get a chance too win some amazing prizes! All you have to do is answer a survey for each section of the website and win a prize each time!


New Look-Little Black Dress

Monday, 6 October 2014

The Little Black Dress

 There is a story behind this dress as it wasn't the original one. My friend Alice turned 18 on Friday 3rd October and organised a night out the next night on the Saturday. It was thought that I wasn't actually going to go to the night out as I was meant to be at university but I ended up not going! So as I was home I was able to attend the birthday girls night! I was super excited and rushed to buy a new dress from my favourite online retailer Missguided! In a rush I purchased a black strapless dress which looked absolutely stunning on the look blinking awful on me! In all honest I thought I looked like a striper!! It revealed to much and I just didn't feel comfortable :( I was left with the option of wearing one of my older dresses which I didn't really want to do (yanno wearing things twice and all) and I wanted to wear a black dress which I didn't have!

That Saturday I went into town with Adam and tried to find a dress! I saw a black floral one on New Looks website so went into the store to try and find it! They literally had every single dress on there website in the store apart from that one! I was gutted, panicked and frustrated as I didn't know what I was going to do! Then I came across a black dress. Simple, nothing much on the hanger and plain. My mum has always told me that never judge an item of clothing when it's on the hanger...give it ago and go and try it on. So I did. 

I trotted off to the changing room, not to optimistic may I add, and tried it on. "Wow" I said to myself as I looked in the mirror. "It's BEAUTIFUL!" It was unbelievably comfortable, it sat in all the right places and it looked pretty! As It was such a beautiful dress I thought it would cost a ton! Preparing myself for disappointment I slowly peaked at the tag! £17.99, £17.99 for this stunning dress!!! SOLD. 

I rushed off to the till, grabbing Adam along the way, and snapped the BEAUTY UP! I then realised I didn't have any shoes or a clutch bag to go with it...woops! 

Remembering I had been given a £10 Primark gift card I headed off to Primark to pick up a new pair of heels and a clutch bag. Pointed toe heels are very much in this Autumn/Winter and I was lucky enough to find the last pair in Primark in my size! They only cost £9 as-well *BARGAIN*. I also picked up a snake skin patterned clutch bag which was only £6 that had hold detailing. 

Primark- £9
Primark £9

Primark- £6

Primark- £6

I got so many comments on the dress and I felt very comfortable! The shoes were comfy too, took sometime to get used to the height of them though as they where very high! I had a fantastic night out for Alice's 18th (she looked absolutely stunning) and it was full of laughs, dancing and a lot of alcohol! 

Like the outfit? Don't forget to follow :D 

Aleesha Mariah

Autumn Stroll

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Autumn Stroll

Topshop cardigan
$97 -

White shirt
$8.08 -

Topshop blue jeans

Topshop loafer

Mulberry leather handbag
$965 -

Rag bone floppy hat
$265 -

Casual Girls Night

My autumn check list

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Ah autumn! My favourite time of year. One thing we are graced with living in England is our seasons. I don't know about you but I start to get a little fed up with the sun after a while, partly because I want to wear the new winter coat I purchased whilst it was still sunny, but that aside I just enjoy what autumn has to bring. The crunch of the crisp leaves when you go for a walk, the brisk breeze, the fact it's almost Christmas and my autumn make-up and wardrobe! 

So I have decided to do an Autumn Check List! I want to complete all the task which I have set myself by the end of October! 

My Autumn Check List!

1. Go on an early morning walk 
2. Carve a pumpkin
3. Create my autumn playlist
4.Bake an apple pie
5. Snuggle up outside by a bonfire
6. Change my make-up to my autumn look
7. Visit my Grandparents
8. Take my siblings to the park 
9. Design my Halloween outfit
10. Document everyday with a picture
11. Make Carmel apples
12. Go to a craft fair

In love with Missguided

All White Everything

Ah I love a good night out! The process of getting ready, pre-drinks then getting to your favourite night club and having a fantastic night with all your friends. However I am not a lover of the morning after ;S 
Here is my all white look for a polished night out!

The Dress

If it is one thing I love it's a bargain and that's exactly what I got with this BEAUTY of a dress! I am in love with this missguided white halter-neck dress. It only cost me £19.99 and I got a 20% discount. It's extremely soft and has a ribbed fabric which stops it from ridding up as much. As it is white it's a tad see-through :S but this can be avoided by wearing a simple white g-string or nude coloured seamless thong from La Senza. However it does have a cut-out in the middle which reveals cleavage. I bought a stick on bra from Amazon (link below) and it holds you in place brilliantly. You can clasp and un-clasp it to suit what you are wearing. I had to safety pin part of the cut-out just because it was a little low for my liking but it still revealed a small amount of cleavage which I didn't mind :)

The Accessories': 

Less is more. That is my motto and over doing a statement peace can make you look cheap. Simplicity is key. Simple make-up, hair and accessories will make you look stunning especially when your dress does a lot of the speaking it's self. 

The Hair: 

I have recently ombred my hair and am still finding ways to style it. I usually have a middle parting but sometimes that can make me look quite hard faced. I moved my parting to the side and softened it by lightly straightening it. I sprayed a small amount of Schwarzkopf Got2B 2Sexy Hairspray under my hair and it boosted it up nicely! However this didn't last through the night as I kept running my fingers through my hair and I think it brushed out! 

Dress- Missguided £19.99
Clutch- Primark £6.00
Shoes- Debenhams Spring collection £40.00


Mac Prep and Prime
 (under the eyes and on the lids)
Mac Select Cover NW20 
(on dark circles and blemishes) 
Bojouris Healthy Mix Foundation in No.52
(all over the face and down the neck slightly if you have a paler complexion)
Collection Light Concealer
(To highlight under the eyes, centre of nose, middle of forehead, chin and above jawline) 
Seventeen Bronzer 
(To contour cheek bones, suck in checks to find hollows and define. Pull up around temples and blend) 
Natural collection Pink Cloud Blush
(On apples of cheek, blend out to create natural glow) 
MUA Highlighter (pink) 
(Above the cheek bone to define) 
Sleek Au Natural Pallet (Shimmering Taupe and Cranberry)
(Shimmering taupe on eye lid and blend cranberry on the crease. High light brow bone with MUA Highlight) 
Rimmel Kate moss Mascara (jet black) 
(Apply to your preferred look) 
Collection eye brow kit 
(Light strokes on eye brow to create natural look and not a drawn on effect)
Lip Stick- PS Love (Hot pink) 

Real techniques limited edition blush and contour brush
Real Techniques Expert face brush (foundation and Concealer) 
Real Techniques (eye brushes) 
Sephora Collection #100 eye brow brush

I hope you all love the look! <3
